Closed captions are mainly designed for hearing-impaired viewers. However, most streaming channels these days mandate closed captions for reasons besides physiological hearing issues. Your audience will often watch films on a laptop in a noisy cafe, or a tablet on a commuter train, or a TV in a bar – or simply at home in the kitchen with the sound of cooking and kids. Closed captions allow consumers in all these scenarios to enjoy your content comfortably.
Scenarist Closed Captions (.scc) is also accepted. A frame rate must be selected for SCC files. Learn more about SCC.
All text tracks should be complete, accurate, and should stay in sync with the video at all times.
Correct punctuation and spelling are important.
Avoid formatting tags.
For other file formats, you can use the below apps or web apps to convert to SubRip.
Review guidelines for inserting timecodes for Chapter Breaks. These will be used by ad-supported platforms.
Chapters are recommended and only apply to the Main Video (not to trailers or other videos). These are just timestamps and should not be in the Main Video file.
No Chapters in the first or last 5 minutes. After the first Chapter, each subsequent Chapter must be every 8-12 minutes. Your first Chapter break can be at any point after 5 minutes.
Chapter 1 always starts at timecode 00:00:00:00.
For titles less than 20 minutes, only 2 Chapters are allowed.
For titles less than 10 minutes, no Chapter is allowed. Enter only “00:00:00:00” as chapter 1.
All time codes must be frame-accurate.
Chapter Tip:
It is best to place a Chapter after a scene’s end or before a major lighting change.
Try to avoid placing ad breaks in the middle of a monologue, dialogue, or action sequence.
It is best to find scene changes with black frames in between. If not available, use the timecode of the first frame of the next scene/shot.
For Single Works:
NOTE: Upload under Other Images and label each one “16×9 textless”
For Series:
For Each Episode in a Series
Content Quality Requirements
All must projects must include the following:
The project submitted must be associated with a verified IMDb Account.
The project must also be registered here: The Movie Database (TMDB)
Audio Formats Preferred delivered audio formats include:
Accepted frame rates are
No Letterbox Videos
Video must be 1920 x 1080
The preferred video codecs in decreasing order are:
Accepted file container formats are:
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