Requirements for captions and text tracks (subtitles)
We require all content to be submitted with English closed captions.
Closed captions are mainly designed for hearing-impaired viewers. However, most streaming channels these days mandate closed captions for reasons besides physiological hearing issues. Your audience will often watch films on a laptop in a noisy cafe, or a tablet on a commuter train, or a TV in a bar – or simply at home in the kitchen with the sound of cooking and kids. Closed captions allow consumers in all these scenarios to enjoy your content comfortably.
Basic Requirements
Scenarist Closed Captions (.scc) is also accepted. A frame rate must be selected for SCC files. Learn more about SCC.
All text tracks should be complete, accurate, and should stay in sync with the video at all times.
Correct punctuation and spelling are important.
Avoid formatting tags.
For other file formats, you can use the below apps or web apps to convert to SubRip.
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